truck para Longboard Gullwing Charger II

De: 320,00 por: R$ 280,00/un

Point Skate Shapes Trucks Rodas Sector 9 Chocolate Spit Fire Independent


Gullwing Charger II Longboard Skateboard Trucks

Especificações Técnicas:

The Gullwing Chargers II trucks are the new edition to the classic Chargers. They’re known for their stability and comfortable ride. The Charger II’s come with barrel bushings to increase turnability and stability. Chargers have old school and new school whole patterns so your good no matter what board you want to shred.
Dados de Contato:
Av. Saldanha Marinho, 1.383
Alto - Piracicaba, SP
Point Skate Shapes Trucks Rodas Sector 9 Chocolate Spit Fire Independent
- Sector 9
- Chocolate
- Spit Fire
- Globe
- Etnies
- Diamond
- Grizzly
- Sk8mafia
- Toy Machine
- Rad
- ABEC11
- Girl
- Plasma
- Libra
- Cayler
- Black Label
- Real
- Drop Dead
- LifeStyle
- Enjoi
- Blind
- Almost
- Foundation
- Venture
- Child
- Pig
- Thrasher
- Nobre
- S-one
- Pro-tec
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